Document Copyediting

The goal of copyediting is to polish the content to a high standard while respecting the author’s intended message and style. Different levels of copyediting range from light to heavy, depending on the author’s requirements and the condition of the original document.

Copyediting focuses on refining the language of a text to improve its readability and ensure it adheres to a specific style guide.

This service includes:

  • Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation Checks: Ensuring the text is free of grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and punctuation errors. This basic level of editing is crucial for maintaining professionalism and clarity in any written content.

  • Style Consistency: Copyeditors ensure the text adheres to specific style guidelines (such as APA, Chicago, or GPO). This includes checking for consistency in terminology, hyphenation, and capitalization.

  • Clarity and Flow: Improving the readability of the text by adjusting sentence structure, enhancing word choice, and ensuring the text flows logically from one section to the next. This might involve rephrasing awkward sentences, eliminating redundancy, and ensuring the text is concise and clear.

  • Querying the Author: When potential issues are identified—such as unclear statements, possible factual inaccuracies, or potentially missing information—copyeditors usually query the author so they can make the necessary changes.

  • Ensuring Consistency in Tone and Voice: While maintaining the author’s original voice, copyeditors work to ensure the tone is appropriate and consistent throughout the document. This is particularly important in documents with multiple authors or contributions.

This service does not include fact-checking or formatting; for those, please purchase the fact-checking or formatting service, respectively.

We accept and work in Microsoft Word documents only. All edits are made using Track Changes. Click here if you need help converting your file to Microsoft Word and/or checking the document’s word count. If you have any questions before making a purchase, please send us a message.