Document Fact-Checking

Fact-checking is a critical step to ensure the integrity of the content. In an era of rapid information dissemination and “fake news,” the role of fact-checking has become increasingly important in maintaining public trust and ensuring the accuracy of information consumed by the public.

Fact-checking is crucial in maintaining the credibility of the content and preventing the spread of misinformation.

This service includes:

  • Verification of Claims: Fact-checkers scrutinize statements and claims made in the text to ensure they are accurate and supported by reliable evidence. This often involves cross-referencing with reputable sources, such as academic journals, official reports, and authoritative databases.

  • Checking Dates and Figures: Dates, statistical data, and quantitative information are verified for accuracy. This includes checking historical dates, population figures, financial data, and other numerical information to ensure they are correct and used in the proper context.

  • Verification of Names and Titles: Ensuring names of people, places, institutions, and titles (such as job titles or titles of works) are spelled correctly and used appropriately.

  • Cross-Checking Quotes and Statements: Verifying that quotes attributed to individuals are accurate and checking that paraphrased statements accurately reflect the original meaning.

  • Contextual Accuracy: Beyond checking individual facts, fact-checkers ensure the content presents a fair and accurate representation of the broader context. This means assessing whether the text omits crucial information, presents data out of context, or could mislead the audience by the way information is framed.

  • Corrections and Recommendations: After identifying inaccuracies, fact-checkers recommend corrections and provide suggestions on how to rectify errors. This might involve suggesting alternative sources, rephrasing misleading statements, or advising on the addition of context to clarify information.

This service does not evaluate the reliability and credibility of the sources cited, nor does it verify content against the sources cited; instead, information is verified using different sources.

We accept and work in Microsoft Word documents only. All edits are made using Track Changes. Click here if you need help converting your file to Microsoft Word and/or checking the document’s word count. If you have any questions before making a purchase, please send us a message.