The 2024 SMS Rule & Compliance Resources

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recently introduced new requirements for aviation Safety Management Systems (SMS) with the 2024 SMS Rule, which expands SMS requirements to various aviation sectors. This blog post will guide you through available resources to help you and your organization understand and comply with these new regulations.

What’s New in the 2024 SMS Rule?

The rule, effective May 28, 2024, significantly expands the scope of SMS implementation, now mandating SMS for the following Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) parts:

  • Part 135 Certificate Holders: This includes all commuter and on‑demand operators, encompassing charter, air‑taxi, and air‑ambulance services.

  • Part 91.47 Commercial Air Tour Operators: Organizations conducting commercial air tours must now establish and maintain a compliant SMS.

  • Part 21 Certificate Holders: This applies to both type certificate holders who license out their type certificate for production, and production type certificate holders who are also holders or licensees of a type certificate for the same product.

Key Compliance Requirements

The 2024 SMS Rule outlines specific requirements for organizations to achieve compliance:

  • Develop and Implement SMS: This includes establishing all four components of SMS (Safety Policy, Safety Risk Management, Safety Assurance, and Safety Promotion) with a defined timeframe. Check out our blogs The Four Constants of SMS and FAA SMS Compliance Deadlines.

  • Submit a Declaration of Compliance: Organizations must submit a Declaration of Compliance to the FAA affirming their SMS meets the regulatory requirements.

  • Share Hazard Information: The rule emphasizes the importance of sharing relevant safety information with other aviation organizations to foster a collaborative safety environment.

SMS Compliance Resources

Compliance with the FAA’s new SMS rule requires diverse resources to ensure aviation operators, including single‑pilot operators and corporate flight departments, meet the new standards. Below are some resources that are keys to navigating compliance:

  1. 14 CFR Part 5: Safety Management Systems

    This contains the FAA’s 2024 SMS Rule that specifies the regulatory requirements for and a basic set of processes integral to an effective SMS for 14 CFR part 119 certificate holders operating under parts 121 and 135, letter of operation holders under part 91.47, and combined type certificate and production certificate holders under part 21.

  2. FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 120–92D: Safety Management System for Aviation Service Providers

    AC 120–92D provides detailed guidance on how to develop and implement an SMS that complies with FAA regulations.

  3. AC 21–58: Safety Management Systems for Part 21 Type and Production Certificate Holders

    This AC provides information for part 121 type and production certificate holders, applicants, and licensees that are developing, implementing, and maintaining an SMS to comply with part 5.

  4. FAA SMS Website

    This dedicated website offers comprehensive guidance on SMS, including FAQs, policy documents, and updates related to the new rule.

  5. FAA Order 8900.1, Change 902, Volume 17, Safety Management System

    As noted in the Order’s Purpose, “This section of FAA Order 8900.1, Change 901, provides fundamentals, concepts ,and specific guidance for the development and/or implementation of an SMS as required under 14 CFR part 5 or the Safety Management System Voluntary Program (SMSVP) Standard.” Although the FAA publishes this order to direct the actions of FAA aviation safety inspectors (ASI) responsible for the certification, technical administration, and surveillance of its policies on SMS, it also provides valuable insight for operators about what their ASIs should look for when they seek approval of their SMS.

  6. FAA Compliance Program Brochure

    This brochure promotes a collaborative, risk-based approach to resolving safety issues. It aligns with SMS principles and supports the FAA’s 2024 SMS rule by encouraging proactive, nonpunitive compliance methods to enhance safety management practices.

  7. National Business Aircraft Association (NBAA) SMS Webpage

    The NBAA’s SMS webpage offers essential resources for business aviation operators implementing SMS programs. It provides guidance, best practices, and tools tailored to help organizations align with regulatory standards, including the FAA’s 2024 SMS rule. The page includes educational opportunities, FAQs, and relevant standards such as the International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations (IS–BAO), supporting effective SMS development and compliance. NOTE: Some resources may require NBAA membership and a login to access.

International SMS Resources

  1. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Annex 19 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation – Safety Management

    Annex 19 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation provides global standards for implementing SMS in aviation. It promotes proactive risk management, safety data sharing, and consistent safety practices across the industry to enhance international aviation safety.

  2. ICAO Safety Management Manual Doc 9859

    This ICAO publication intends to support states in implementing effective State Safety Programs (SSP) in accordance with Annex 19 above. To avoid being overly prescriptive, it focuses on the intended outcome of each Standard and Recommended Practice (SARP) to emphasize the importance of each organization tailoring the implementation of safety management to fit its specific environment.

  3. 10 Things You Should Know About Safety Management Systems

    This brochure from the Safety Management International Collaboration Group (SM ICG) provides a concise overview of SMS, including the purpose, key components, and benefits. It also clarifies roles and responsibilities within an SMS, differentiates it from traditional flight safety programs, and explores its relationship to quality management.

  4. Safety Management System Assessment Guide – Transport Canada TP 14326E

    The Safety Management Systems Assessment Guide from Transport Canada provides a framework for evaluating aviation SMS, focusing on compliance and continuous improvement. It’s a useful tool for implementing the FAA’s 2024 SMS Rule by offering criteria and methods to assess SMS effectiveness.

  5. Safety Management Systems: Guidance for small, non complex organisations – CAP 1059

    This publication provides generic guidance on SMS for small, non‑complex organizations. The guidance aligns with the ICAO framework for SMS and is suitable for European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) small, non‑complex organizations.

  6. SKYbrary SMS and SSP Reference Library

    The SKYbrary SMS and SSP Reference Library offers comprehensive resources on SMS and SSPs, including guidance, tools, and training materials. Developed by the SM ICG, it supports aviation regulators and service providers worldwide. This library is valuable for implementing the FAA’s 2024 SMS Rule, providing categorized documents for various organizational needs, including resources tailored for small organizations.

The FAA’s 2024 SMS Rule is bringing significant changes to SMS requirements for various aviation sectors, and now it’s more important than ever for organizations to navigate compliance and implement effective SMS programs. By using the resources highlighted in this post and leveraging tools and guidelines, you can build a robust safety culture that aligns with the new regulatory standards and ensures a safer and more collaborative aviation environment. For additional support in implementing SMS programs and achieving compliance, PAI Consulting offers valuable resources and expert guidance to help you succeed.

Ready to Implement Your SMS?

PAI Consulting offers expert guidance and support to help you navigate the complexities of SMS implementation and ensure compliance with the new FAA regulations. Contact PAI Consulting today!

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SMS Declaration of Compliance


FAA SMS Compliance Deadlines